Jul 25, 2013

24th July. 2013 .

(14( The Lama's blessings, Like spring warming up soil and water- If they don't enter into me,there is no way to be introduced to the nature of the mind. When there is a short-cut, why take the long way around? May I truly practice the sublime teachings.

(15) These distractions,like never-ending waves- If they aren't given up,there is no way to become stable. When I can do as I like, why practice samsara? May I truly practice the sublime teachings.

(16) This mindstream, Like the tough hide of a butter-bag- If it's not tamed and softened, one can't mix mind with dharama. Without spoiling the child that is born of itself, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces

(17) Ego, like a shadow one is born with- Until it's abandoned, there is no way to reach a place of real joy. When treat him as friend? May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces

(18) These ingrained bad habits,karmic patterns, Like the strong currents of a river- If they aren't cut, one can avoid acting contrary to the dharma. Without selling weapons to my enemies, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces

(19) The five poisons,like hot embers among ashes- Until they're destroyed, one can't remain at rest in the natural state. Not raising baby vipers in my pockets, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces

(20) Bodhicitta,like a fertile field- Unless it is cultivated,there is no way to achieve enlightenment. Not staying idle when there is a great aim to be accomplished, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces

(21) The life stories of the great masters, Like the essence of amrita- If they aren't known, there is no way for confidence to arise. Not choosing self-destruction when I can tell victory from defeat, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.braces


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