Nov 10, 2014

[ Which Is Better: Red Rice Or Brown Rice?.]

Red Rice vs. Brown Rice.

Achieving a healthy weight can be attained in many ways. Some choose to live a simple life by choosing food items that are low-calorie and less fat while some get into particulars like eating more sources of fiber and antioxidants. The latter choice often is the most confusing one especially when you have to choose between two items that have close nutrient profile. This is true with red and brown rice. Although these two are closely related, they do have unique identity that differs one to the other. So, which is better: Red Rice or Brown Rice?
The Difference Explained.
These are the pertinent details all health buffs should know. These two are rich in fiber and antioxidants but are different in nutrient density. In general, they are both harvested in normal means in which the outer covering is removed and cleaned. After processing, red rice or brown rice is produced. The color of the rice is dependent on what type of rice seed is planted.
1. Harvesting at Source.
Red Rice: Red rice is grown in agricultural parts of India, Europe and Southeast Asia. Brown Rice: Brown rice is more consumed worldwide and is grown in almost every country around the world. Red Rice or Brown Rice? The choice is yours. It is advisable to choose one that is more readily available in your area.
2. Nutrient Profile.
Red Rice: This rice has an antioxidant pigment called anthocyanins. This antioxidant is beneficial to reduce symptoms of inflammation, allergy relief, cancer prevention and weight loss management. Aside from that, red rice is packed with nutrients such as B-vitamins, iron, calcium and zinc. The B-vitamins are known to be essential to the body as it is present in all organ function and energy production. Calcium is needed for bone health, Iron for blood supply and Zinc for brain function.
Brown Rice: Brown rice is said to be rich in vitamins and minerals including B-vitamins and magnesium, manganese and selenium. The B-vitamins that is contained in brown rice have similar benefits to red rice. Manganese is good to promote regular metabolism while magnesium contribute to healthy bones and teeth. Selenium is a mineral that works like antioxidant, protecting the body from infections.
Red Rice or Brown Rice?
This can be chosen both, or look into your target needs. Red rice is rich in antioxidant, good for people who want to prioritize weight management and immune system enhancement. For more prevention and over-all wellness, it is good to consider brown rice as it has more nutrients to maintain a healthy weight and good nutrient profile.
The confusion between red rice or brown rice should end as they both have similar reputations to begin with. Observing from the information above, both types of rice have close nutrient composition and thus are safe to be consumed by health buffs. These two products may be different in physical attributes but their fiber action and B-vitamins are quite similar. Choosing one is already a fit decision, choosing both may be a healthier choice.
Five Things You Should Know About Red Rice Cholesterol Red rice cholesterol.
Red Rice Cholesterol.
Red rice gained its reputation by becoming one of the ingredients to contribute a healthy weight loss. Aside from that, its cholesterol-lowering effect is so valuable that it has become the top prescriptions of nutritionists and doctors to aid in therapeutic diet. The power of red rich cholesterol is yet to unfold as we give you the 5 things you need to know about red rice cholesterol.
1. This rice is actually a product of yeast.
Red rice is a product of yeast called Monascus Purpureus. These organisms are grown on rice which are responsible for its dark-red color. In fact, this kind of yeasts are cultivated and extracted to make a product known to lessen cholesterol in the body.
2. This is a natural alternative to cholesterol-lowering drugs.
Due to the action of Monascus Purpureus, red rice is also known to be a perfect alternative to treat health conditions related to cholesterol. It is now prescribed by doctors to be a good remedy for mild symptoms of high-cholesterol problems, as a natural alternative to medicines. If you are one of the people who would like to opt for this natural medicine, visit your physician for more details. There are certain safety precautions in its alternative usage because it may interact with other drugs and substances.
3. The proven effects to avoid muscle pains.
In recent studies, it has been found out that the red rice actually reduce risks of muscle pains, medically known as myalgia. This symptom usually is experienced by patients who take medications to lower the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). According to the study, patients who are taking this type of medication experience lower incidence of myalgia when replaced with red rice cholesterol.
4. Amazing benefits to gastric problems.
The use of red rice has been around in ancient times where China discovered its potent benefits to health. Red rice has mild healing benefits to many gastric problems including diarrhea and indigestion. Other benefits include improved spleen function, increase blood circulation, good digestion and absorption.
5. Red rice cholesterol has its own method for weight management.
Since it aids in lowering levels of cholesterol, it goes to say that red rice is also a good aid to lose weight. With its natural nutrients and fiber, more toxins are washed out while it continues to help the body attain a regular bowel movement.
These are the top 5 things you should know about red rice cholesterol. Among these benefits, there is always one that fits the body’s needs. With its holistic way in taking care of the body, it is no wonder why this ingredient has been creating buzz in the wellness industry. Although these are said to be natural and effective, there are also safety issues that go along with it. In fact, health professionals warn people to take extra precaution in using these products as they contain potent substances that may be detrimental to one’s overall health. To be safe than sorry, be sure to get an approval of your doctor before incorporating red rice to your lifestyle.
Red Rice Popularity.
Six Reasons Why Red Rice Is Gaining Popularity Among Celebrities And Fitness Buffs.
Red rice is generally known as a high-fiber source for weight management and other therapeutic purposes. Due to its healthy reputation, this wonder grain is now one of the top choices of health buffs around the world. More so, celebrities are now the newest fans of red rice as it creates new ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Find out more about the power of this wonder food as we unravel the 6 reasons why red rice is gaining popularity among celebrities and fitness buffs around the world.
1. Red rice is fat-free and contains no cholesterol and other saturated fat.
The fat content of this rice is zero to none. This is the first reason why it is becoming so popular. Fat is hard to burn. Usually, it is the last substance to be used for energy as the body consumes energy from the carbohydrates first. Furthermore, this ingredient has no harmful fat content so it does not contribute to weight gain and diseases that come along with it. Perfect for celebrities who want to get rid of love handles.
2. It is popular because of its high-fiber content.
The high-fiber content of this ingredient is so rich that it is efficient to wash out toxins in the body while regulating bowel movement. It contains both soluble and insoluble fiber to do all these benefits. The combination of fat-free and high-fiber content is a sure way to lessen weight since it does not contribute to heavy calories while washing out unwanted substances.
3. The Iron content of Red Rice is good for oxygen consumption.
Iron is the carrier of oxygen. This mineral circulates around the body supplying oxygen to every cell for proper function and repair. With this amazing benefit, the improvement of the circulatory system while doing exercise is one of the advantages any fitness buffs can get.
4. Rich in vitamins and minerals.
The power of red rice also roots from its nutrient profile. This rice is packed with vitamins and minerals to supply the body with much needed dose of nutrients. Celebrities are bound to tight schedules and stressful working environment, thus, wonder foods like red rice help out in improving nutritional status that may depreciate with pressures and stress.
5. It has lots of antioxidants.
Antioxidants are known to eliminate toxins and other unwanted substances in the body in order to prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Fitness buffs and celebrities prefer this rice because of this quality.
6. This rice has skin benefits as well.
With the combination of nutrient-rich food, zero fat, high-fiber and antioxidant content, every cell in the skin continues to renew. The contents of this rice work together to protect and maintain each cell’s function from inside and out. As a result, a glowing and smooth skin is revealed.
These are the 6 reasons why red rice is the preferred diet food of celebrities and fitness buffs. Everyone can get all these benefits too. Just remember to consume red rice in moderation with proper diet and exercise. Bon appetite!
Start the Brown Rice Diet.
The body has natural means to perform detoxification by working with several organs inside its own. Our liver is the major organ that detoxifies the system from harmful substances, the kidneys has filtration system, our skin performs sweating to eliminate toxins and even the lungs have its own way in exhaling unwanted substances. Even though these organs work together to protect the body from infection invasion, the toxins still get to be aggressive and hard to eliminate. Good thing, there are external ways to help the body detoxify further by doing diet regimens of cleansing. One of which is the brown rice diet.
What is brown rice diet?.
This diet uses the full benefits of brown rice for body cleansing and other purposes. This type of diet is liberal in fiber but low in fat which makes it effective to achieve regular bowel movement with healthy weight loss. To do this diet program, simply follow these rules:
1. Do not eat processed foods momentarily. In order for you to avoid jeopardizing the cleansing work of brown rice diet, it is good to avoid processed food items because they contain additives and preservatives that may produce free radicals. This includes frozen and canned foods, even dried ones or ready-to-cook convenient food items.
2. Avoid consuming items that are high in fat. Fat is packed with calories but are lacking in nutrients. Be sure to attain a healthy weight by reducing the amount of fat in your daily meal. To do this, stay away from fast foods and opt for meals that are not fried.
3. Invest more on brown rice. Since this diet uses liberal amount of brown rice, it is good to consume this rice every meal. Yes, you can even eat this in the morning if possible. If not, make sure to eat three servings of this rice either for lunch, dinner or snacks. In this way, the fiber in this rice will work more than just cleansing but weight reduction as well.
4. Hydrate properly. One way of ensuring an efficient body cleanse is to drink water. Water is a universal solvent, binding with harmful substances and washed out of the body. With proper hydration, not only toxins are eliminated but unwanted fats as well.
5. Do not drink beverages with caffeine. Stay away from caffeine in order for you to lessen the accumulation of unwanted substances. Even though caffeine has wonderful benefits, it is not an essential substance needed to maintain body functions.
6. Do regular exercise. To improve metabolism and sweat the toxins out, it is good to do regular exercise. Start by walking for 15 minutes and increase duration as the body tolerates.
These are the 6 rules and benefits of brown rice diet. As you may notice, all of these are only basics of what a healthy lifestyle is. A diet that is high in fiber and low in fat is already an evident of a safe weight loss. The added brown rice gives further detoxification and renewal of cell function. In this way, a holistic way of maintaining a normal weight is achieved.

Oct 21, 2014

[ Our Family Photography Ambassador..]

Sudhir Shivaram.

Shared publicly - 10:05 AM.
A good read for photography beginners
If you have bought a new camera and hear all these complicated photography jargons and start wondering what these means....STOP. As a beginner, you really do not have to worry too much about these.
All these complex jargons revolve around 3 important aspects in photography which are ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed - Called as the Exposure Triangle.
Get your understanding of the exposure triangle right and rest will be very easy to follow.
Shutter Speed - It is the amount of time the shutter is open for the light to enter and hit the sensor. This is responsible for freezing the action or causing motion blur in your image. A fast shutter speed like 1/1000 or more freezes the action or a slow shutter speed like 1/30 or less creates motion blur in the images (though fast and slow shutter speed is very subjective and depends on the speed of movement of subjects).
Aperture - This is the lens opening and is also responsible for controlling the amount of light to enter the camera. Aperture is one of the parameters responsible for depth of field (other 2 are focal length of lens being used and camera to subject distance). Depth of field is that area in your photograph which is in sharp focus. A larger f number like f22 gives you larger depth of field (DOF) and a smaller f number like f2.8 ives you shallow DOF.
ISO - This is responsible for the sensitivity of your sensor to light. The lower the number (ISO 100), the less sensitive, the higher the number (ISO 3200) the more sensitive. A higher ISO allows you to shoot in low light conditions. ISO is also responsible for noise / grains in your image. Higher the ISO, more grains and the quality of the image may go down.
Let us put these to practical use based on the genre of photography:
1. Landscape - That's a static scene. It's not running anywhere. So take your time and think more from aperture point of view and decide how much of the image has to be in good focus and use the aperture value accordingly. Don't worry too much about shutter speed unless there is movement happening in the landscape (water flowing, people walking, cars moving etc). Tripod definitely recommended here.
2. Wildlife - Depending on the subject being still or moving, you may have to think more about what shutter speed to use to freeze the subject or create motion blur (panning). Aperture also plays a role of how much of the subject you want in focus.
3. Macro / Close-up: If it's a static subject, it does not matter if you shoot that at 1/10 or 1/1000 shutter speed. So you need to think more from aperture point of view. Decide what kind of DOF you need based on lens and subject distance. Tripod definitely recommended.
4. Candid Shots - Depending on subject moving or static, you need to think about what aperture / speed to use. You probably have got a hang by now about what takes priority for a give shot depending on what's happening in the scene.
5. Events - When you are shooting events like stage plays, or low light photography, you need to watch out for shutter speed. You may have to increase the ISO to get a faster shutter speed.
6. Sports - As you have guessed by now, you need to work on your shutter speed for this genre of photography.

So, to summarize:

- If there is movement in the scene - think more from a shutter speed point of view (giving emphasis to aperture as well for proper DOF)
- If the subject is totally static like macro / product / monuments / landscape / portrait shots etc - You need to think more from aperture point of view to get the desired DOF.
- For very low light photography and if there is movement happening in the scene, you may have to think about the combination of ISO and shutter speed.
Get this right and then we will learn about the other so called complex stuff. Happy shooting.
Feel free to share. I did Mr.Sudhir in my Blog.

Sep 18, 2014

Smile Please.

Smile more A research done in England found that a baby smiles 400 times a day, an adolescent 17 times and an adult doesn't smile at all! The more successful one keeps a very stiff face. Is roughness a sign of success? Is being stressed a sign of prosperity, growth or dignity? You should smile more. Every day, every morning, look at the mirror and give a good smile to yourself. You know what happens when you smile? All the muscles in your face get relaxed. The nerves in your brain get relaxation, and you get the confidence, courage and energy to move on in life. You know, your smile is so fragile! Just one telephone call is enough to take it away! Just see why your smiles go away? It may be because somebody said something stupid to you. And why did they say a stupid thing? Because they had some garbage they needed to throw out and you were there, ready to catch it! And once you have caught it, you hold on to it so passionately! Wake up! Don't let your smile be snatched away by anybody!

Aug 20, 2014

[ Dr. Kadri Gopal Nath & Pandit Ronu Majumdar - The 133rd Harivallabh 2008 - Part 1 ]

Published on Nov 13, 2012
Dr. Kadri Gopal Nath & Pandit Ronu Majumdar - The 133rd Harivallabh 2008 - Part 1
The 133rd Harivallabh was held at Devi Talab Mandir, Jalandhar (Dec. 25th to 28th, 2008). This performance is part of that sammelan. © 2008 Shree Baba Harivallabh Sangeet Mahasabha.

[ The Kannada Songs that I love from Sri.Purandaradasa.]

Published on Sep 19, 2013
Sung by- Nandini Rao Gujar
Violin- Pradesh achar
Mridangam- Chandran Mumbai

Mar 22, 2014

Rice recepies,

 How to coo,little ck Rice,How many types of rice we can coock.
Samber rice,curd rice,dal rice tamariend rice,mango chtaranna,kesary bath,etc.
Sambar rice:
1cup rice,thoor dal,3/4 ,tamrien little jagari,
All types of vegetables,
To make masala
2table spoon gram dal,little urd dal,6baydege red chilles 1tb spoon dhaneya,2 stick dalchinni,little hing,1tea spoon zeerafor frying with little oil.for frying,after frying put in a dry mixer,make it power later put littledry chopra,power it.

cook rice,dal,cock veg mix all the ingredients keep for boiling,after boiling put cocked rice again boiled put it in tadaka for the rice eat it with papad. Tomoto Rice.