This is One of the paintings of My Husband.Being provided with Quarters inside the mill premises my husband had to be available 24x7 for any emergencies so he took up painting.During one of his official visits to Bombay he had a chance to visit Camlin Stores were he saw at that time in this famous stores for painting tools.After inquiring about the kitty gritty of painting he came with lot of paints,brushes and other things.A huge room was vacant in our house upstairs and he set his shop there and started his paintings there are many now after his retirement dumped in our car shed.Two of his paintings adorn the walls of our son's home in USA.
There are over 50 of the paintings now lying in our car shed.
As they are of size 60 x 25 inch and weigh over 10kg it has no room to adorn the walls of our Home.
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