Jul 22, 2013

Me at Dishhaa's Home.( New Jersey )

(11)In short,without giving up this life's preoccupations,there's no way to accomplish the sacred teachings after death. having decided to show myself great kindness, May all that I do be toward the dharma.

(12) the face of ordinary mind,like an old friend- If it's not closed eveys, May I truly practice Awareness,like a flawless piece of crystal- Until it's seen,intentional meditation cannot dissolve. When there's an inseparable companion, Why go off looking for another? May I truly parctice the sublime teachings.

(13) Desire for pleasure, LIKE A bad-luck spirit entering the house-offerings to voracious ghosts If I'm not free of it, I'LL never topworking toward suffering. Not making offerings to voracious ghosts as my personal gods, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.


(14) Liberation's good qualities, Like an island of jewels If they aren't know, there is no way to begin to make efforts. Having seen the advantage of permanent victory. May I truly practice the sublime teachings.

(15) Samsara,Like a stone fallen deep into water- If I don't grt out now,I won't get out later. Pulling myself out by the rope of the comassionate Three Jewels, May I truly practice the sublime teachings.

(16) The glorious guru, Like a lamp that lights the way to liberation- If I cannot meet him, is no way to realize the true nature. Not jumping off a cliff when I know the path to go on, May I trulypractice the sublime teachings.

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