We both wanted to have a child baby girl. When she was born the whole mill was in the hospital to see her . She was very cute baby. She was never a trouble to us no crying.
always happy no trouble never. we kept one maid servant to take care.My adorable son we both use to like her very much.
When we were in kerala after bath she will go to the office down stairs playing with pencil & paper few hours then come up-stairs have food then she use to sleep In the evening our maid use take care & play with her .My son will come from school play with her have food play with us at 11pm. she will go to sleep.
As years passed She started going to school. In the school she had interview few question asked her then she got admitted for nursery KG class it was opposite to mill. I use to go with her school leave her .Again i will go to school for lunch. After she will drink milk then i will come back home.
At 3.50 school leaves she comes back home & play with Dinu ,with her dad .Before going to bed her dad use to tell story then only she will sleep.
For 1st standard i kept tuition for Malayalam & their subjects also.the teacher use to give her lot of home work i will be with her till finish her moe work.
In 82 my husband transfered to Davangere at Yallmma mills.She started going in mill van with our colony children to school. she use carry food to school but she never use to eat in the evening swill eat & study do home work by herself.
She never like me hitting her to the head. She was stubborner but she was very fond off her brother & Father.She use like me but i use to strict with her for to do some work other small things.89 My husband transfervrd to Wrangle she never liked that place everyday i use to go to her school leave & bring her. She missed Dinu a lot use to cry a lot remembering missing him very much.After few months we all left that place , came to Bangalore. After few months dinu joined us. She started going to school near by. after finishing school, She joined PUC Collage after a few months dinu left for Paris on work . after 1 year he came to Bangalore stayed for 15 days again went to Pairs.for8 months are also Shad a nice time with him.
For Degree she joined M.e.s collage Bangalore . I use to go Collage meet Only we touch and come back to home.After 2091 my husband was working in Polachi.Next post next 21-0308.
She becomelecturer in M.E.S Collage.&She was working as Times of India and going to School's to teach the children about Archeology for 2 years. I started nagging to her to Quit the the job,let her get better job some dotcom co she can earn more money.
She tried got a job in India info.com in education. she was traying to work hard.
She has to put all effort put S.S.L.C exam result on web but server was down. she was in few Newspapers with her photo's was there published.
Very shortly she admission in USA as lecture com study for Anthropology.to teach
collage Albanny Unervercity.She got Schoolarship for studying .She was doing well , but the cold could not tolarate it . Meanwhile she met Velloury and decided to marry him . She dint allow us to see any boy for marriage. One fine day vallury came to our house when he was here in our house Dishu phoned to her dad that they wanted to marry him only.We are saposed to go to USA Dinu called us to vicit.Meanwhile Val's parents
came to our house they very nice of them toagree to take Dishu as their D.I.L.
We both left for USA. Our beloved Val's is very nice ,as also his people were very nice to her &our famile.After 3 months we all came to down to Bangalore.In Val's parents arranged engement cermoney very nice of them.for the Marriage expences
bear the expence Dear dinu&Shanthla They helped us a lot.Marriage took place soomthly.For Cholutry our beloved Vals did every thing.
They both vicited us very offten to see us. Even mid night Dishi bring Vallury to place just to see us. It is very nice of him to come with her.
We also vicited there house they also use come for festivals stay with few hours
then the use to leave. After 3 years Dihi was working Infosis, Val,s at HP.
One fine day she left for USA from office.After fwe months Val's also left forUsA.
The both were At Atlanta for two 2&a half years they were there.Again they moved to
NewJerse. they are happy. Last year we invited them. dini called us to USA. stayed for 2months then we went to dini's house, stayed for one month returned back to India.
Our wish is they both should have a baby . It's long time.When we were there She &Vals taken good care of us.
We both wish them luck. Val's parents are very good As also their Relatives.
I finished now let god take care of them.
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